+7 (925) 010-76-94, +7 (905) 720-94-72


SPA (Scientific Production Association) «SOYUZKANAT»

Own production site

SPA (Scientific Production Association) “SOYUZKANAT” rapidly develops production activities on the basis of its own and partner sites.

The company has:

  • own specialized facilities for the production of steel wire ropes that are limited by sizes and structures, depending on individual orders.
  • equipment for performing tensile and bench tests
  • equipment for pre-stretching
  • service area for terminating ends, as well as for cutting and winding ropes

Today the development of our production test site is one of the main priorities of SPA (Scientific Production Association) “SOYUZKANAT”. Experience in the production and testing of finished products allow the company controlling quality and safety of supplied products and solutions.

The affiliate production program allows us to ensure the fulfillment of orders for high-quality steel wire ropes according to GOST and EN, to fulfill the most unique and complex inquiries and tenders.

Opportunities of production site

Material and technical base of production:

  • fleet of specialized equipment for the rope production
  • machine for steel wire rope pre-stretching
  • stand for tensile and breaking strength test
  • unique cooperation chains for complex projects
  • warehouses of tools, wire, consumables
  • laboratory and measuring equipment.

Production Association

Service and technical support

SPA (Scientific Production Association) “SOYUZKANAT” provides service and technical support for lifting, ship ropes, rigging systems, tension and architectural structures. Equipment capabilities for rope installation allow us to deliver ready-made products accordingly to customer’s specifications.

Our services for rope maintenance:



If you need technical advice, engineering and project design study or you are interested in partnership, please contact the production and technical service by filling out the form or writing to e-mail:

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